Rain Gardens (Biofilter) Training in conjunction with Clearwater, 4 and 5 September 2007
Two-day seminar/workshop on ‘Designing Rain Gardens with FAWB (The Facility for Advancing Water Biofiltration)’
FAWB presented a one-day seminar on biofilters or 'Raingardens', arranged in conjunction with Clearwater, on 4 September 2007 attended by over 70 people from local government, state departments and consulting. The seminar presented a comprehensive summary of the key research findings from Projects 1 and 4.
In conjunction with Ecological Engineering/EDAW and Clearwater, FAWB ran a one-day design workshop on biofilters on 5 September 2007 attended by 30 people. Participants had been invited to bring in their projects as case studies. Working in small groups, the workshop focussed on applying the research insights presented in the previous day to their projects.