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Monash University

Annual Workshop, 14 November 2007

On 14 November 2007, the FAWB annual research workshop was held at Monash University. It was attended by over 50 people from the FAWB research group, industry (mainly our industry collaborators, and also people from other water industry organisations) and a number of international visitors. The workshop was designed as a part of our Research Review, so the Research Review Panel took an active part in the workshop.

Seven FAWB postgraduates and research staff presented their work, showcasing the most important parts of our work from the past year. The feedback that FAWB has received so far from industry collaborators and participants, as well as international visitors (two participants from INSA de Lyon, France who were visiting Monash at the time), was very positive.

Participants at FAWB Annual Workshop, November 2007